Memory Royalties: The Missing Link in your Wealth Management

September 28, 2024

10:30 am


12:30 pm

September 28, 2024 10:30 AM
Learn how to invest in memories, not just assets. Diversify your experiences as well as your portfolio. Use your wealth to live intentionally.
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Having money doesn’t make people happy. It’s what we do with it that matters. And yet the wealth-generating industry of investing and financial planning focuses almost exclusively on using wealth to create more wealth.

Is that really the point of life? To see how rich you can be when you die?

In Memory Royalties, Todd Rustman shines an evocative light on the very concept of investing, inviting you on a journey to change the way you look at wealth itself—not as a goal, but as the tremendous potential to generate a life of depth and meaning.

Invest in memories, not just assets. Diversify your experiences as well as your portfolio. Use your wealth to live intentionally and embrace your loved ones.

"Todd started as a client of mine 25 years ago. He soon became a friend, a confidant, and a trusted financial advisor. Financial advisor does not describe the all-encompassing role Todd has played in our family's life. I have learned so much from Todd. Todd has always reiterated the importance of quality of life over quantity of money. He has always stressed that creating life memories supersedes investments. He has always been concerned about peace of mind and the "sleep at night factor" more than ROI. His book titled, Memory Royalties, is a deep dive into Todd's approach to wealth management. Read it and I assure you "wealth" will take on a whole new meaning"! Rael Isacowitz

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